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Different Formats Of Webinars For Various Stages Of Your Customer Journey

One of the finest ways to reach a larger audience and create leads is through a webinar. The survey indicates that more leads are generated by webinars than by any other sort of content at the top of the funnel. But did you know that webinars also function well at other stages of the client journey? Webinars may help you with everything from brand exposure to generating satisfied consumers. Here are the several webinar formats you ought to host at each stage of the client journey so you can maximize a content format that works.

Webinars at the Awareness Stage

In this situation, webinars excel. Webinars help you promote your brand, much like your other content marketing initiatives. Awareness webinars are ideal for delivering thought leadership information that engages with potential consumers because they’re such a terrific method to build leads. In thought leadership webinars, you present your brand’s position on important issues to your ideal client. Your Product Launch Webinars should advance the discussion, present proof of your assertions, and present practical solutions to a pressing problem.

Consider collaborating with a like-minded brand partner, an industry influencer, or a whole panel of industry professionals to present webinars to increase your audience and produce more leads. These consist of:

Partner Webinars

Deliver thought leadership content that piques the interest of potential customers or assists them in solving an issue by collaborating with an organization or brand that shares your values. The best webinar platform can assist you in connecting hosts and viewers.

Industry Webinars with Influencers

Partner with a business influencer who abides by your company’s principles. Your content should concentrate on the wants and difficulties of potential clients, much like a partner webinar.

Webinars with Industry Panels

You can conduct a roundtable conversation with other thought leaders in your sector or participate in a “ask me anything” (AMA) style with the aid of an online webinar service.

Each of these webinar formats enables you to claim a topic, improve SEO, and attract more potential clients via organic search. You may increase your exposure to their audiences and broaden your reach by collaborating with other organizations or personalities. This win-win partnership is a fantastic approach to creating engaging content, establishing new connections with like-minded companies, and attracting new clients. Additionally, an automated webinar can help you to increase the life span of your webinar content, reach wider audiences and boost the ROI.

Webinars in the Research Phase

It’s time to nurture leads via the sales pipeline and advance them into the decision-making stage once you’ve attracted their interest. The following webinar formats are being considered:

Case Study Webinars

Show how your product has performed for a current customer. The webinar format functions similarly to a live endorsement. Make sure your case study or topic is centered on the main difficulties, problems, or requirements of your potential clients. 59% of your B2B audience is actively searching for material that uses case studies to illuminate their issues. Why not provide this insightful deep dive as a webinar?

Seminar Webcasts

This format requires a little more time and functions best with leads that are really qualified. Participants in the webinar must submit questions or work samples in advance to receive comments or assistance with a problem during the webinar. Is a key component of your brand presence networking or community involvement? Businesses can highlight whatever current community or networking infrastructure they have with the use of an online webinar platform.

Report Summary Webinars

Create a webinar based on recently released reports, market trends, or white papers to complement your current content marketing initiatives. For leads that are interested in your study but may not have the time to devote hours to reading a comprehensive report, this can be a wonderful, readily consumable approach.

Webinars at the Decision-Making Stage

Leads want to observe how well the product functions before making a final choice. They could also be comparing or shopping around for prices between your product and others. Show them all that your product is capable of and convince them to buy it so they can overcome their problems. The ideal way to demonstrate your product or offer a memorable experience that converts a lead into a customer is through webinars. This comprises:

Product Demo Webinars

Demonstrating the advantages of your product lets prospects see themselves in the driver’s seat. Better still? Allow audience members to ask questions and receive answers. No matter where they are in the marketing funnel, 67% of webinar participants want the opportunity to ask the speakers questions live. Here we are providing some best webinar examples and trends to follow. You should think about the best webinar platform if you plan to host this kind of webinar.

Experiential Field Events

Immersive encounters and experiential field events can be successfully executed in a virtual setting with enough forward planning. Use interactive exercises, executive dinners, or roundtable discussions to appeal to the senses of your prospects. This will boost sales and help you close more agreements.

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